T-Mobile confirmed yesterday that they will be launching an Android based mobile phone by the end of the year. The new device will have a slide-out keyboard and a touch-screen. I don’t know if the screen with have the dual-contact sensitivity of the iPhone, but if it does then it really will be a serious challenge to the iPhone. Reports say that it “will have a touch screen like the iPhone”. That remains to be seen. Otherwise that particular “cool” feature will remain the jewel in the crown for Apple.
What might be more important for users of the new device is bandwidth. It will be interesting to see if T-Mobile can deliver the necessary service quality in its many [click title to read more…]
A few hours ago, shortly after I finished delivering a presentation at Mobile Internet World, I joined the assembled masses for the Momo Boston event. It seemed strange to have a Mobile Monday event on a Tuesday, but it was moved to fit the MIW schedule, and was held in conjunction with MMNY. Top billing was given to Alan Blount and David Carson, presenting Google’s latest offering: Android. What we got was a live illustration of Eclipse on a Mac, and the usual glitches one can expect from live demos. Once the guys had figured out the code, the emulator appeared to work well. Not surprisingly, they showed how to quickly create a browser-like application and pointed it at the [click title to read more…]