Wet January

LUE []

My small patch on planet Earth has not much climate but plenty of weather. An island subject to ocean buffeting, chills from northern icy regions and occasional heat from the nearby continent. Often on the same day. I recall being greeted by snow in the morning, beaming sunshine in the afternoon and torrential rain that evening. It has been a bit turbulent of late, two storms in two days. Winds at 100km/h, gusts even worse. And rain.

This has me a little peeved, to be honest. I like to go for a short walk now and then, clear the cobwebs out of my head, put some air in my lungs, stop staring at screens for a while. This January I was looking forward to my walks on account of my new hat, a deep blue pure wool Fedora, which sadly in this weather won’t last a minute unless it is nailed to my head. So I sit here with the rain drumming a tattoo on the window behind me while I stare at one of my screens and ponder another wet January day without a nice walk.

OK then. Coffee break is over. Time to get on with writing that report. I wonder if it would be odd to wear a hat while typing…?

Power trip

Hardware, Technology

Over the past several weeks we have had multiple power outages (long, short, brown, buzzing…). Partly due to recent storms, but mostly due to major work being done on local distribution lines. Some of my systems are in the clouds where industrial-grade power management is in place. (I hope.) My personal servers and dev/test systems are on-site and are subject to the vagaries of suburban power services. While “backup, backup, backup” is the mantra that ensures I won’t lose much, recovering from system corruption can be time-consuming.

Thankfully I also have an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) parked below the server shelving. Over the past month (and several outages) I have been pushed to refine and improve how the environment deals with sudden power issues. Here are some observations along the way:

  • apcupsd is brilliant. I have it running in my host server, interacting with the UPS over USB. To this I have added a number of new outage event scripts to deal with the various power-related scenarios.
  • My UPS can offer about half an hour of supply once the mains goes. But this is from a fully charged state, and with multiple outages happening on the same day the second or third time the panic alarm sounds the battery might not have had enough time to recharge. Therefore the event handling scripts should read the “minutes remaining” information from the UPS and act accordingly.
  • Don’t panic. One of the outages last week was for just 40 seconds. So, if the UPS minutes remaining will allow it, wait a bit before commencing a controlled shutdown.
  • The controlled shutdown of my host server will take care of saving the state of any running VMs. But there are also some NAS boxes, some of which are mounted over the network onto some of the VMs. I wanted my host server to also take care of shutting down the NAS boxes. Unfortunately they are from different manufacturers and none of them have UPS signalling support, but they have either SSH access or a Web interface, and I was able to script some shutdown commands from the host server to the NAS (after the VMs are saved). To ensure network connectivity, I also added a small Ethernet switch to the UPS. Power goes, switch stays up, host server saves VMs, shuts down NAS boxes, then shuts itself down.
  • I was not able to find a satisfactory way to shut down the UPS programmatically from the host server, while giving enough time for the host server to shut itself down before the UPS goes. More experimentation may be needed, but maybe on a separate mock-up environment rather than the real thing. After all, even if the UPS is left running, all it is powering is the small Ethernet switch as all other things have powered down.
  • There is no automated recovered when power is restored. I am OK with that, as I am generally on-prem anyway, and to be honest I don’t actually trust the power to be stable until at least 30 minutes after it has been restored.

Finally, one thought does occur to me every time the power goes: does the UPS have enough juice left to power the coffee machine?

A lesson in book judging


“Never judge a book by its cover.” – Mill on the Floss, George Eliot, 1860.

Many decades ago, when I was a young teen, a gentle knocking came on our front door and my mother got up to answer it. I peeked around the dining room door to see who it was. A dishevelled old man graced our doorstep, hair like that of a scarecrow, shoes with string for laces, an old jacket around his body and a cloth sack over his shoulder. He asked in almost a whisper “could I have a drop of water?

Several beggars roamed the housing estates in those days and you’d have at least one come knocking in any given week. The smell of alcohol would often announce them before they’d even reached the open front gate. If spotted early they would be shooed away at the window, or given a sharp “not today” before they’d even opened their mouth.

But not this man. I had seen him before and remembered that my mother would speak with him. This time she invited him into the hallway while she went to the kitchen. He saw me at the dining room door and smiled. I was transfixed, and returned a hesitant “hi“.

My mother soon returned with the glass of water and something in a paper bag that she handed to him. A sandwich? Then she pressed something into his palm, which I believe was some money. He took one small sip of the water, said “thank you, that hits the spot“, handed back the glass, saluted his forehead with two nicotine-stained fingers and bade his farewell as my mother closed the door.

I turned to my mother, “he lied about needing the water.

Yes,” she said, “he didn’t need the water, but he needed his dignity. He’s a good man who has fallen on hard times.”

Knowing that other such callers would be rapidly despatched, I asked her “how do you know he’s a good man?” I expected a “just because” kind of answer, but instead she opened the front door and told me to watch. The man was now two or three doors away, standing back from another front door and obviously being told there was nothing for him. He saluted softly and walked back to the front gate, and despite the rejection he closed it gently behind him.

That’s how I know,” she said.

Hello World with JAX-RS on Tomcat 10, Jersey and JDK 17

Coding, Protocols & Specs, Technology, Web [ | ]

Sometimes the best place to start a new coding experiment is with “Hello World” (HW), the absolute minimum, often borrowed from someone else who has kindly published it for the benefit of others. The fewer assumptions made by the HW project the more useful it will be to the community. Some HW demos tend to make a lot of assumptions (IDE, build mechanism, dependency management etc.) and this presents problems for those who don’t match.

I recently created a starting point for a JAX-RS API running on Tomcat 10.1 and JDK 17, and when I looked around the Web I noticed that similar demos tended to assume Eclipse, or Maven, or Gradle and so on in the development environment. Here I am going to show how to create a working JAX-RS API endpoint without the aid of an IDE or build mechanism. This is as bare-bones as I can get.

But there are some assumptions.

First up, I’m using the latest (as of 2023) Tomcat 10.1 as a container. As Java-based servers go, this is fairly basic and if you can get something running in Tomcat then you can pretty much get it to work in any container. I’m running this on a recent JDK 17 (this one has long-term support). Obviously I’m using OpenJDK rather than some proprietary/expensive version.

Second, as Tomcat doesn’t come with any JEE goodies, I’m using Jersey to provide the implementation for Jakarta REST (JAX-RS).


I will leave out the exact version numbers of the libraries as you can find the latest versions online quite easy. For example, in my collection of Jars I have jakarta.ws.rs.-api-3.1.0.jar, which is the current latest. You can find these jars in many places, such as on Maven. Wherever you get them, verify their integrity via the usual checksums.

Jakarta libraries

These are mainly the APIs, not the implementation.

  • jakarta.ws.rs-api
  • jakarta.inject-api
  • jakarta.validation-api
  • jakarta.xml.bind-api
  • jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl-api
  • jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl (Apache implementation of taglibs)

Jersey libraries

These come from the Glassfish/Eclipse Jersey reference implementation.

  • jersey-common
  • jersey-server
  • jersey-client
  • jersey-container-servlet-core
  • jersey-container-servlet
  • jersey-guava (repackaged Google-authored utility classes)
  • jersey-media-jaxb
  • jersey-hk2 (JSR 330, dependency injection)
  • hk2-api
  • hk2-locator
  • hk2-utils

REST Application

The Web Application will be deployed to http(s)://<domain>/demo and the Jakarta REST application within it will be at sub-path /rest, and it will have one endpoint called “hello” that will accept a GET request containing a ‘key’ parameter, and respond with plain text: “Hello key“. Thus the URL http(s)://<domain>/demo/rest/hello?key=World will return the text: “Hello World”.

Instead of a web.xml, I am using annotation to declare the class that identifies the REST app, and I am not overriding the base class methods so that the default behaviour will be to search the rest of the app classes for annotation indicating endpoint handlers. This is com/example/DemoApp.java:

package com.example;
import jakarta.ws.rs.ApplicationPath;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Application;
@ApplicationPath("rest") public class DemoApp extends Application { }

This is the implementation of the “hello” endpoint, com/example/Hello.java:

package com.example;
import jakarta.ws.rs.*; // Consumes,DefaultValue,GET,Path,Produces,QueryParam;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import jakarta.ws.rs.core.Response;
@Path("hello") public class Hello {
  public final Response hw(@DefaultValue("key?") @QueryParam("key") String key){
    Response.ResponseBuilder rb =
        .ok("Hello "+key,MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    return rb.build();

Finally, to define the path of the deployment (“/demo”), I need a context.xml file containing this one line:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Context path="/demo"/>

To compile the source files at the command line producing the necessary class files, use this:

javac -d CLS --sourcepath SRC --cp JARS:TCLIBS --source 17 --target 17 SRC/com/example/*.java


  1. javac is the Java 17 compiler executable, and may be the absolute filename if necessary
  2. CLS is the (existing) directory where the class files will be placed
  3. SRC is the path of the directory containing the com/example/*.java source files
  4. JARS is a list of the 17 Jar files listed above
  5. TCLIBS is the list of the Jar files in Tomcat’s lib directory
  6. Lists are colon:separated in Unix, and semicolon;separated in Windows, so adjust if necessary

The command will produce two files: CLS/com/example/DemoApp.class and CLS/com/example/Hello.class

That’s it. There is no more code. No more configuration files. The above files need to be packaged into a WAR file (a Zip file with a .war extension) containing the following:

  • META-INF/context.xml
  • WEB-INF/
    • classes/
      • com/
        • example/
          • DemoApp.class
          • Hello.class
    • lib/
      • The 17 Jar files go in here

Deploy the demo.war file by copying it to Tomcat’s webapps directory and start Tomcat. Test by using a browser to exercise the following path on your server: /demo/rest/hello?key=World


There are many tools that you can use to make the above process easier. For example, to make the WAR file you can open a command line at a directory containing the pre-filled META-INF and WEB-INF directories, and issue the following command:

jar -cf demo.war

The JDK’s jar tool merely zips the contents recursively to create the WAR file.

You can collect the names of the Jar files into files and use the “@” feature of javac in order to reference these lists instead of having all the files individually in the command line. You can use a build tool to track these dependency lists, or use a similar feature within your preferred IDE. Using tools makes this process much easier than the manual steps I outlined above, though I hope you can now see what is happening under the hood regardless of your chosen tools.

One hundred and fifty to one

Technology []

I’m in the rather unfortunate position of having to migrate a client’s accumulated data from an old version of MySQL to the latest, and from old hardware to new, in a hosted environment where my only access is via a SQL client, with minimal down time.

Let’s ignore stored procedures, views, triggers etc. Those can be reproduced easy enough. It’s the tables containing millions of rows that will eat up the most time[1]. If you do a cursory check of the manuals and guides you’ll find that the normal approach is to use mysqldump to create a (massive, compressed) SQL file filled with table creation and row insertion operations. You then pump that dump file through a MySQL connection to rebuild the entire database in another server.

To kick off the exercise, I used mysqldump to generate the compressed dump file. It took about as much time as it took me to make and drink a cup of coffee. Checking the head of the resulting dump I could see the usual preamble, a few embedded comments intended to be used by MySQL as hints to adjust some settings during processing, a table CREATE and then line-after-line of INSERT statements. It was near the end of my working day, and I had fired up a test box to receive the dumped data, so I kicked off a restore via a single DB connection and locked my PC for the evening.

It was still running when I logged in the following morning. In fact, it took until lunchtime to complete.

If this were the actual production migration, we would be in serious trouble. Timings like this would likely see the client opt for a migration during anticipated non-usage, such as New Year’s Eve! Not only would that put off the process for several months, it would ruin what should be a day off. This migration has to get down to just a few hours so that it can happen in the very early hours of the morning, in the next few weeks, when an outage of up to 4 hours could be accommodated.

There were several factors taken into consideration to determined the ultimate solution:

  • There would be no other users connected to the old and new database servers during migration.
  • The target server’s hardware can handle up to four concurrent threads of execution without breaking a sweat.
  • Table indices are not needed during table restoration. (They can be added later.)
  • There are several big tables, some with only a few columns, some with many.

Here is what I did:

  • The dumped SQL is piped through a custom process that splits the dump into four.
  • Each split replicates the header and footer from the original dump, but only includes a subset of the tables.
  • The subsets are non-overlapping and chosen so that the total number of rows are spread evenly across the splits. (There’s some adjustment here to account for the fact that some table inserts are more intensive than others because of the width of the tables and other factors. It took a bit of benchmarking to work out the optimum.)
  • The table creation is adapted to defer indexing and other changes appropriate for the migration[2].
  • I’m using the “extended insert” option of mysqldump so that each INSERT statement contains data for multiple rows. These optimized inserts can be up to 67 million characters (max_allowed_packet) for my target server, in theory[3].
  • The four partial dumps are restored in parallel to the target server. Were it not for the numerous restrictions, some of this could be achieved via MySQL shell’s parallel import. As that’s not available, the bespoke approach is needed.

The result:

The restore took just a few minutes. Yes, minutes. In fact, the performance improvement was 150:1

It looks like when the migration happens for real, I might just have time for two coffees :)

[1] Actually, no, we also have to consider the complete audit of the existing application software to ensure that all the old SQL usage was compatible with the new v8, and setting up a replica environment to run the entire suite of unit tests with the new database, while watching for slow queries and other gotchas. That took two weeks, but as a separate activity that has no impact on the expected migration down time.

[2] Interestingly, MySQL 8 has deprecated utf8 in favour of utf8mb3 and will automatically set this charset during table creation when you have specified utf8. So, while you would need to adjust the CREATE statements to change PKs and indices, you can leave the charsets alone.

[3] Using LOAD DATA would be even faster, were it not for the fact that I can’t access the underlying file system of the target server.