Archive for the ‘Web’ Category

Hello World with JAX-RS on Tomcat 10, Jersey and JDK 17

Coding, Protocols & Specs, Technology, Web [ | ]

Sometimes the best place to start a new coding experiment is with “Hello World” (HW), the absolute minimum, often borrowed from someone else who has kindly published it for the benefit of others. The fewer assumptions made by the HW project the more useful it will be to the community. Some HW demos tend to make a lot of assumptions (IDE, build mechanism, dependency management etc.) and this presents problems for those who don’t match.

I recently created a starting point for a JAX-RS API running on Tomcat 10.1 and JDK 17, and when I looked around the Web I noticed that similar demos tended to assume Eclipse, or Maven, or Gradle and so on in the development environment. Here [click title to read more…]

A decade later

Coding, Protocols & Specs, Technology, Web

Every now and then I have to pull out all the stops and migrate legacy systems to the latest-and-greatest, leaping over several intervening versions of programming languages and platforms. Recently I have been migrating systems that have been stable for a decade or more but need to be upgraded in order to avoid their underlying systems going completely out of support. There are several technologies involved, but three of them are “old friends” and while I am looking at the migration process I am also astounded by the many positive changes that have occurred in the past decade. While most of the changes don’t have much effect on process, some of them are quite significant. Some changes are minor, but [click title to read more…]

Dragged by the roots

Networking, Security, Web

This one had me scratching my head for a while today. A client and an ex-client both contacted me with strange HTTP connectivity issues, which manifest as errors occurring on one server while the exact same code is working elsewhere. The logs revealed that a HTTPS connection was being rejected because the connection to the external site could not be validated. The problem was that the root certificates were out of date, and the external site was using Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates, which as of this month (October 2021) has a new compatibility restriction meaning their certs can only be validated by a client if the client trusts the ISRG Root X1 certificate. That restriction prevents functionality on iPhones running [click title to read more…]

Eggs and baskets

Networking, Technology, Web

About a week ago a large chunk of the Web vanished for a few hours as Fastly experienced a major outage in their Web cache service. Popular sites like Reddit, the BBC, Amazon and much of the UK government online services suddenly presented blank pages. There was much finger-pointing for days afterwards, then Cloudflare goes down last Friday (more fingers pointing) and today with many of those fingers finally holstered we suddenly find ourselves in the middle of an Akamai outage. Fingers out and reloading!

The thing about these services is that they are mainly caches: intermediary services that optimise the delivery of content from the origin sites. Unfortunately, when they go down, the origin sites do not just go [click title to read more…]

Cookie monsters

Legal and Political, Web

“We value your privacy…” Yes, sure you do.

If they valued my privacy so much, they would simply not be using the 100s of tracking cookies on their site. My privacy is not valued, nor is anyone else’s. We’ve known this for a very, very long time. In recent times the biggest culprits of personal data harvesting have been forced to make this more obvious because of the EU’s privacy laws, particularly GDPR. They now have to display to visitors their use of cookies, and seek clear consent to proceed on that basis.

Nevertheless, I have observed that many major sites are flouting the law by not making the consent process clear, by using opt-out instead of opt-in, and by [click title to read more…]