Random weather generator

I have on my phone, and several other devices, various apps (both native and Web) that provide access to several weather services. None of them are ever in complete agreement, and no matter how hard I try, I can never remember what the most recent forecast said. Perhaps the abundance of weather forecasting services has produced a kind of white noise that makes it impossible to discern what is being said. Even moments after the radio weather announcer has signed off, I find myself unable to recall any of the details. This despite the fact that the announcer has gone to the trouble of repeating the forecast in the form of overviews, summaries, detailed day-by-day predictions, plus versions for the farming community and those poor souls stuck in their boats…

Or maybe it’s because of the multitude of formats?

Whatever the reason, I am convinced that if one were to include a random weather forecast into the mêlée, nobody would notice. In fact, the random forecast might even be better than the official ones.

At least I’d have a better chance of remembering it, even if it is incorrectly predicting a typhoon for tomorrow.

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