Outsource overload

My inbox is beginning to fill up with offers to outsource the company’s software development activities. One a week used to be the usual trickle (all immediately marked as spam) but recently this has become at least one a day. What does this mean? Is my spam filter failing? Has the outsourcing market had a ten-fold increase recently? Have I been linked to some outsourcing list?

Most of the offers come from India, UK and USA. The messages are getting more professional (which is possibly why my spam filter is missing them) and I have noticed myself wasting time reading through several paragraphs before realising that its an outsourcing offer. So now I read unsolicited emails from the bottom up, because I can usually tell at the end of the message that they’re trying to convince me to fire the staff and pay the outsourcing company instead. No thanks. The staff are experienced world-class specialists and holding on to as many of them as possible is a high priority.

Then there’s the emails from translation companies offering to make our software more appealing in foreign countries. These messages come complete with ever-increasing varieties of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. This isn’t exactly encouraging.

Finally there’s the invitation that isn’t. “You are invited to present at <insert event here> …” All very nice until you find the small print, or the deeply embedded Web page on the event site, where it explains the attendance fee. Usually ($€£)3000, and invariably I’ve missed the “early bird” offer. What a con!

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