MoMoDublin lift-off

Mobile Monday Dublin inaugural meeting

Not exactly a big gathering, but when 20+ busy people gather in a room adjacent to a hotel’s private bar, where food and drink is but a smile away, and spend two hours talking about nothing but mobile phones, it’s got to be something to note. MoMoDublin took off on April 2, with a fair smattering of mobile specialists enjoying some banter about all things mobile. It’s not unusual for Dubliners to conclude a day’s work down at the pub, educating a pint in the ancient arts of thirst quenching, coupled with endless “shop talk”. This was no different, except it had a new sign over the door.

The dotMobi people were the hosts for the night, with James Pearce doing a grand job as proprietor. It was no surprise to see Jo Rabin there (given that he co-organises the London event). On the other hand, it was a surprise to see Sean Owen from Google there, all the way from New York. Actually, Sean spoke at the MoMo NY last October, so he’s no stranger to these things. Naturally the NY event would have more attendees, given that NY has nearly 40 times more inhabitants than Dublin. Strange then that I only see about three times our number in the NY photo. I suppose that’s a good sign for Dublin!

Yes, I did propose a retro competition, and yes, I was joint winner with Ronan Cremin, which was easy because no-one else was carrying anything to compare. (Both our old-timers were fully functional, I hasten to add.) The bottle of vino has been added to the cellar, thanks very much.

The second gathering should take place in May sometime, which could be a problem for me as I’ll be in Canada and France during that month, with the W3C Advisory Committee and the MWI Steering Council. Which reminds me: why are so many of my W3C meetings coinciding with bank holiday Mondays? A guy could do with a little down-time…

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