W3C 10th Anniversary

Happy birthday to W3C

The W3C is ten years old. The Web itself is at least 15 years old. We had a big party in Boston to celebrate. Tim gave a great history lesson to explain how the whole thing started. You can see the highlights on the Web. Great to see so many familiar faces there, and everyone excited about the future of the Web. I’m in the 1st photo (too hard to see right) and in the 9th (the guy in the middle, dark shirt & tie, silver camera to my face).

It’s impossible to know where the Web will go next, but I know there are some big challenges ahead as we move from typical PC browsers to the increasingly diverse Web on mobile devices. Well, rather than just wait to see how the problems will be solved, I intend to put myself into the middle of the process and help find solutions. Next year is going to be busy.

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