npm Hell

A few years back I blogged about the RPM Hell (TreeTops, Jan 2012) that came about because of ineffective dependency checking. Needless to say, this reminded a lot of people about the infamous DLL Hell from many years prior. DLL and RPM dependency issues have generally been overcome with a variety of approaches and improvements in the tools and operating environments. Pushing functionality onto the Web or into the Cloud can help move the problem away from your local machine. After all, if the functionality is now just some JavaScript on a Web page then this shouldn’t be affected by whatever mess of libraries are installed on your local machine.

That worked for a while. Eventually the JavaScript workload grew to the point that putting the scripts into reusable packages made sense, and we have seen a mushrooming of JavaScript packages in recent times. Followed by JavaScript package versioning, server-side JavaScript (i.e. Node) and JavaScript package managers (e.g. npm1).

The inevitable outcome of this evolution was yet another dependency hell. Initially, npm would incorporate specific dependencies within a package, so that each package could have a local copy of whatever it depended on. That led to a large, complex and deep dependency hierarchy and a lot of unnecessary duplications. Subsequent refinements led to automatic de-duplication processes so that commonly used packages could be shared (until the next time the dependencies change), thus flattening the hierarchy somewhat.

Unlike the days of DLL and RPM hell, the current trend in the JavaScript community is to version and release often. Very often, in fact. Seldom does a day go by that I don’t have to update multiple packages because one in the hierarchy has released an urgent fix for a bug, security hole, spec change or whatever. Unfortunately this often leads to two or more packages conflicting about the versions of dependencies that they will accept.

Such conflicts would not be a big problem were it not for two unfortunate consequences:

  1. If the packages are going to be used client-side then you have to ship multiple versions of these dependencies with your app (SPA or native embedded) and thus bloat the binary even though there’s massive functional overlap across the versions.
  2. Runtime conflicts when a package exposes a public interface to be used for app-wide functionality, but has version incompatibility.

Bloat is a major headache, but at least the application still works. Conflicts, on the other hand, are terminal. To overcome these you can try winding some package versions back, until you find a compatible combination. Then you cap (freeze) each of these versions until some future release of one or more of the conflicting packages enables a revised compatible combination. This risks you keeping a known security hole, or missing out on some fix or feature. Sadly, this juggling is still for the most part a manual process of guesswork.

Throw in the possibility (no, likelihood) that a recently released package will have critical bugs due to unforeseen clashes with your particular combination of package versions and you can imagine the nightmare.

Why do I mention this now? Because yesterday, for several hours, I was struggling with TypeScript issue 16593 (though it took me a long time to discover that I had encountered a problem that had been flagged a week earlier). TypeScript, the JavaScript superset under Microsoft’s stewardship, is a package that I would normally update without concern, but suddenly v2.4.1 was causing problems for rxjs (another package I would normally have no qualms about updating). The argument over who is responsible for the problem continues, with two options open to me: downgrade and fix at v2.4.0 or “upgrade” to the Alpha version of rxjs 6. The latter option doesn’t really appeal, not for something that I want in production pretty soon. I chose to fix TS at v2.4.0, and I am glad I did because along comes issue 16777 that alarmingly says that v2.4.1 is causing out of memory errors!

As I finished a late-night session I reflected on the fact that despite the passage of years we are still facing this kind of hell, with no solution on the horizon other than vigilance and an ability to juggle.


  1. The creators of npm really don’t like seeing it capitalized.

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