Life without email
Things at the Dublin HQ are going through a bit of an overhaul, with major rethinking of the business functions located there. Part of the restructuring sees the Web site migrate to the US, with the the primary business communications equipment following. That includes the company email server. The plan was to disable the server, then have incoming email go into an external queue for a day and a half while the equipment was flown across the Atlantic. We’d be “paused” for a day, or two at most. Despite the promises of the transport service, a successful delivery during the Christmas holidays was just impossible and the equipment got stuck in transit.
The consequence of this is that no company email has arrived in my inbox for several days. Nor has any of the accompanying spam. At first I felt disconnected, but obviously there are other means of communication. My inbox hasn’t been this quiet for years. It is bliss!
Come the New Year, things will get back to normal. The server will arrive at its new home and start processing the backlog. Our new server room and offices at the new HQ will be coming on-stream, and hopefully the business restructuring will be successful. Certain activities have ended in Dublin, and so some friends and colleagues are moving on to new challenges. Good people I will miss, and I wish them well.
Meanwhile, there’s the impending resumption of email, the inevitable spam, the prospect of public transport to the new offices, and the uncertainty of a broken leg, which will probably see me working from home for quite a while. The next few months should be interesting.
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